Learn to Play The Guitar mini-course Lesson 5

Now, I realise that this song might not be in the style that you are specifically into, but it is a good song to get you started at playing something and using the 'tools' and notes you've learned. Plus, many songs in different styles share similar notes and tools. You will probably start to discover this as your learning progresses. So, don't be worried if this song is not your thing, it's just there to get you up and rolling, and stringing some notes together.
Today we're going to look at the 3rd and largest part of "House of the Rising Sun". But first, I am going to teach you a new warm up pattern. This one will be a touch more difficult than the last few. This pattern starts on the first fret and the sixth string (thickest string). You will play all six strings and use all your fingers. As always with these exercises, I would like you to use the correct fingering.
Video Available:
QuickTime - Exercise 1 (3.35 MB)In the above warmup, you will have noticed that the frets you played have the same numbers as the fingers you use to play them. Knowing that te finger and fret number are the same makes it easy to remember what to play. So, your fingers should be warmed up and ready to play. Let's get on with it...
Setion three: House of the Rising Sun
Whats important in this lesson is that we're going to put all the parts together. In tomorrows lesson I will give you a chance to play along with other instruments.
So, here's the 3rd part for "House of the Rising Sun". Take note and look at where the hammer ons and pull offs are.

Play this over until you think that you've mastered those changes.
The goal of a good lead guitarist is to play clear, crisp nice sounding notes over the chord changes. That's what you're learning to do here today.
Take your time and make sure you've learnt the changes between each chord.
It's important that you learn each section off by heart.
Well done! The next step is putting it all together and playing through it. Now, it's important that you get an idea of the how the song actually sounds so I want you to go through and listen to the track carefully and hear where the notes are. Try and get a feel for the rhtyhm of the song as well.
Once you've got a good listen and locked on to what the song should sound like, it's time to give it a go yourself.
Play the song from start to finish:
House of the Rising Sun
Well done. When playing through the song it's important to keep going over and over until it becomes familiar. IUf you do this you'll be on your way to playing like a professional in no time at all.
At this point, I would like you to practice the structure with all the changes in your own time until you feel confident with the piece.
Practice playing along with the track and you will quickly get the hang of the song.
Ok, if your feeling up to it we can move on. The next step for us now is to play the song again but on different strings. We will play the same notes but this time we will play them at what we call "up the octave". Don't worry to much about what that means at this stage. It's more important to just do it at this stage.
Play the following:House of the Rising Sun "up the octave"

Tip: There is video available for this example. The download links are below (right click on the link and select "save as") This is the audio of the song played out in full. Go over it carefully and track where the sections are.
Video Available:
QuickTime - House of the Rising Sun |
Now that you have had a chance to play the song by yourself, you should be getting used to the changes between the notes.
Practice both ways of playing the song. In the next lesson we're going to put both versions together.
You should now be playing along with the audio tracks confidently and you should be getting used to changing between the notes.
In tomorrow's lesson we will be playing with the whole band. I won’t ask you to learn anything new. It will just be a matter of putting together all the elements that we have already learnt in the previous lessons.
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