Learn to Play The Acoustic Guitar Mini-course #3
Welcome to Part Three of the Beginners Mini-Course on Learning Ho w to Play the Acoustic Guitar. This mini-course gives you a taste of what's covered in The Jamorama Acoustic Guitar Learning Kit! In this course you will learn powerful tips and skills to get you playing the acoustic guitar with the fluency and accuracy of a professional, and by the end of it you will be able to play a full song by yourself This lesson continues on from lessons one and two. In lesson one you learnt how to start playing and how to play the chords C and D. In the second lesson you were shown how to read tab. This lesson will be similar to the second part of lesson two, however I plan to introduce you to the chord A minor. Once you have mastered A minor, we will try and practice changing between the three chords we have learnt; C, A minor, and D. So far, the chords that you have learnt have all been major chords. Major chords give music a happy feel. Minor chords...