
Showing posts from July, 2007

How To Play Electric Guitar-5 Tips For Instant Success

How To Play Electric Guitar-5 Tips For Instant Success By Steve Laney There are a million different methods and styles of how to play electric guitar, and to teach them all in one article would be pretty pointless, so I’m going to give you some tips that anyone who wants to know how to play electric guitar well should find useful. How To Play Electric Guitar Tip 1: Make sure the strings are fitted properly. Playing electric guitar often includes string bends, and if your strings aren’t fitted properly this can cause some real tuning problems. Hearing that “PING” sound as your guitar drops out of tune mid solo can be pretty embarrassing, so make sure your strings are perfect! How To Play Electric Guitar Tip 2: Get to know the guitar. Electric guitars have a huge range of different sounds and textures, all accessed by simply using the volume and tone controls on the guitar, as well as using different pickup selections. Any great guitarist with great tone understands this and will work th...